Muneeb Aadil


I’m a PhD student at University College London, working with Ricardo Silva on causality, active learning and decision making.

Previously, I completed my MS(CS) at Saarland University, supported by the IMPRS-CS fellowship. There I worked in causality and domain generalisation at CISPA with Krikamol Muandet and Jilles Vreeken. Before that, I did my BS(CS) from NUCES, Islamabad, during which I worked with Sibt ul Hussain on Computer Vision.

Besides research, I spend time hiking and playing board games.

selected publications

For the full list, please see my Google Scholar.
  1. AAAI’24 Oral
    Causal Strategic Learning with Competitive Selection
    Kiet QH Vo, Muneeb Aadil, Siu Lun Chau, and Krikamol Muandet
    In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2024